Who I am
I come from a family of entrepreneurs. My dad started a construction company in the early 80’s which my older brother currently operates and he also started a salvage yard in the late 80’s which we recently closed after my dad’s retirement and 30+ years of business. As a child, I played on the adding machine at the desk of my dad's construction company, the same desk that I use in my office today. As a teenager, I was filing sales tax forms for the salvage yard. By the time I graduated high school, I had no doubt what degree I wanted to pursue. I graduated with a BS in Accounting from Bluefield State. I later went to WVU for a Master of Business Administration. I am currently finishing my doctorate from Liberty in Accounting. I have been married to my husband for 24 years and we have 3 wonderful children.
I truly enjoy my work. I have gained invaluable knowledge of various industries from my clients and various conferences over the years. I treasure the clients that have come through my doors over the past 25 years, they have been a blessing to me. I may only see some of my clients once a year, but you would be surprised how close you can get to people with only a yearly visit. Finances are a personal subject. I have watched clients grow personally and financially. I have watched them raise their families and I have also watched them lose their loved ones. My clients have watched my children grow up and have always been supportive and understanding that my kids always came first, even during the craziness of tax season.
I believe in a helping hand and paying it forward. I made one phone call after I passed the CPA exam to Mrs. Gayle Mason. She has been a mentor and friend to me ever since. It was the best professional decision I ever made. The members of the WVSCPA’s in Lewisburg are a wonderful group of CPA’s and I am proud to be a part of that group.